
Brand Identity Questionnaire

Write to connect@u1r.in or fill in the short form below with details about your company and how we can help.

    Business Overview

    Name of the Company / Organization ? *

    Year of Establishment*

    Your Email *

    Briefly describe your business in a few sentences: *

    What products or services do you offer?*

    Brand Name

    How did you come up with the company name *

    Is there a story or meaning behind the name*

    Do you have a tagline or slogan? *

    Brand Positioning

    What inspired you to start your venture?*

    What sets your business apart from competitors?*

    What is unique or exclusive about your service? *

    What words or feelings do you want your brand to evoke in customers? *

    Target Audience

    Who is your ideal customer?*

    What are their demographics (age, gender, location, etc.)?*

    Brand Impression

    If your brand were a person, how would you describe its personality?*

    Choose three adjectives that best describe your brand.*

    Are there specific colors you associate with your brand? *

    Are there any colors you definitely do not want to be associated with your brand? *

    What message do you want your brand/logo to convey to your audience?*

    Logos and Designs

    Are there any existing logos or designs that you like? If yes, please share examples.*

    Are there any logos or designs you dislike? If yes, please share examples and specify why.*

    Competitor Analysis

    Who are your main competitors? Is there anything you like or dislike about their branding?*

    Vision and Mission

    What is your company’s vision statement?*

    What is your company’s mission statement?*

    Preferred Design Style

    Please select/highlight min 2 - max 4 options

    Brand Collateral

    Are there specific collateral items you need (business cards, letterheads, etc.)?*

    Brand Applications

    Where will your logo be primarily used (website, print, merchandise, etc.)?*

    Additional Notes

    Please share any additional information, thoughts, or ideas you have regarding your brand.*

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